Presence On the Move

02 October 2006


* Sep 20, 2006 at 4:05 PM Unabridged (v 1.0.1) - Cite This Source
1. pertaining to, devoted to, or characterized by friendly companionship or relations: a social club.
2. seeking or enjoying the companionship of others; friendly; sociable; gregarious.
3. of, pertaining to, connected with, or suited to polite or fashionable society: a social event.
4. living or disposed to live in companionship with others or in a community, rather than in isolation: People are social beings.
5. of or pertaining to human society, esp. as a body divided into classes according to status: social rank.
6. involved in many social activities: We're so busy working, we have to be a little less social now.
7. of or pertaining to the life, welfare, and relations of human beings in a community: social problems.
8. noting or pertaining to activities designed to remedy or alleviate certain unfavorable conditions of life in a community, esp. among the poor.
9. pertaining to or advocating socialism.
10. Zoology. living habitually together in communities, as bees or ants. Compare solitary (def. 8).
11. Botany. growing in patches or clumps.
12. Rare. occurring or taking place between allies or confederates.
13. a social gathering or party, esp. of or as given by an organized group: a church social.


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